by Sandra Burgsteiner | Oct 3, 2020 | Objave
Different companies state their focus on customers and how their products fit our needs. However, we as customers often stay disappointed with what we have purchased. Majority of customers (according to some researches approximately 90%) never complain, but...
by Sandra Burgsteiner | Sep 8, 2020 | Objave
A lot of companies have implemented the Voice of customer (VOC) solution. This means they are gathering customers´ feedback, direct, indirect or inferred and performing analysis of „weak points“ , in order to improve their service (among other things). But if you take...
by Sandra Burgsteiner | Sep 2, 2020 | Objave, Uncategorized
In the recent years we have been facing new terms created as a reflection of customers´ needs. Two most important ones are Customer experience (CX) and User experience (UX). But, often stays ambiguous if they are the same, and, if not, what is the difference between...
by Sandra Burgsteiner | Sep 1, 2020 | Objave
We are all well aware of what´s the Covid-19 pandemic done to our health and economy. But what´s happened to us as customers? As we see some excellent examples of companies adjusting their businesses to new circumstances, we also experience some that are a bit lost in...